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Welcome to Stechielo's Information and Adoptions!!

Spiecie's Intrests

Loves to play. is a "watch dog". eats: caja meat, floku fruit, and bija candy. live in mountainous areas. need to be kept groomed.


this spieces can be found in the colors: tan, green, blue, purple, and red. (above)
its eye color is found only in green, but if a rare one with another color appears than, well, what are you waiting for??


illnesses commonly found in this spiecies are:
stomach ache
head ache
(more soon)

Questions? Comments?

If u also whould like to know how to speak Stechielo's
language, please e-mail me.
my e-mail

When you adopt one, you get a site all for u and your Pets!

click the link below to see all the site of people who own a Stechielo.